Heather Rech

Heather Rech started her college journey at Biola University graduated from Liberty University in 2013 with a multidisciplinary degree in Spanish & Religion. Heather took a gap year before starting college to live and travel in Peru. Since graduating she has continued to work with the Spanish speaking population all over the United States and advocate for the immigrants and refugee community. Heather’s college experience was non-traditional, and she is passionate about helping others navigate a college path that’s right for them.

Articles By Heather Rech

This article provides useful tips to start your journey of learning a second language.
This article examines the economic and cultural factors influencing the rise in multigenerational living among college graduates.
This article lists seven ways that you can teach basic money management to your kids.
In this article, we will consider the impact of money management, financial support, and student loan debt alongside questions that students can ask themselves or discuss with their families as they make a financial plan for college.